Micro and Macro – September 22, 2019


Micro and Macro

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. Luke 16:10

I have been microblogging for over a decade now. Okay, let’s be honest…it’s Facebook. Microblogging in its simplest form. We share our days, our triumphs, our despair, and a few recipes along the way.

It’s been said that this type of microblogging tends toward the “highlight reel” … you know, only putting your best foot forward and leaving the truth floundering in your wake. So, what does Jesus tell us about the difference between this “micro” world of sharing and the “macro” world of the Kingdom?

At first glance this scripture may seem to focus only on worldly possessions or wealth. But let’s take this in context. Jesus was speaking to His disciples at the time. I’d suggest you read the entire passage (Luke 16: 1-13), as it may leave you scratching your head.

Jesus tells a story (we could call this a “micro” look) about a rich man and his manager, who the owner summarily dismisses for being wasteful. So what does this manager do? He looks up all of his boss’s accounts and makes friends with them by slashing their debts. And then the master commends the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. What?

But Jesus goes on to say, “If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?” Ahhhh, although this does indeed pertain to worldly possessions, the bigger picture shows us that riches in this world are a mere “micro” view compared to the “true riches” in God’s “macro” Kingdom.

Be faithful in those small daily tidbits you share, so that He will entrust you to share what really matters: the Gospel that counts for eternity.

Father, please remind me that I represent You every day in what I say and share. Let me be a wise steward of the words You have given me.

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