Friends in Disguise – June 22, 2019


Friends in Disguise

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

When you’re insulted, you can retaliate with a stinging comeback or see it as a growth opportunity. The Psalmist said, ‘It is good… that I have been afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes’ (Psalm 119:71). Psychologist Dr. Brenda Shoshanna says: ‘The person who insults us is a teacher… come to help us reduce our ego, develop patience and compassion, practice unconditional forgiveness, and teach us about life and relationships. If you don’t perceive an insult as an insult, but as a teaching or a gift, it loses its power to hurt you. On a practical level, if you’re insulted, say nothing. Give yourself time. Much harm is created by lashing back, escalating the situation, and saying things you may not mean. Recognize it’s your ego – that false sense of pride acting up – and don’t go along with it.’ Paul reached a place where he actually took ‘pleasure in… insults’. Most of us aren’t quite there yet, but with time and practice it can happen. Speaking of Judas, one author writes: ‘God sometimes manipulates the actions of our enemies to make them work as friends in order to accomplish His will in our lives. He can bless you through the worst relationships, ones that are painful or negative. The time, effort, and pain we invest in them aren’t wasted because God knows how to make adversity feed destiny into your life. I can’t stop hurts from coming, or promise that everyone who sits at your table will be loyal. But the sufferings of success give us direction, build character, and in the end you find grace to re-evaluate your enemies and realize that like Judas, they are friends in disguise.’

Heavenly Father, help me react kindly and calmly when insulted or corrected. Give me that strength, in Jesus’ Name, Amen


  1. Yes, indeed. I read this in the evening;& had the great honor of worshiping with Pastor Tim. I told him a story that mirrored this devotion in my life. Amazing how these devotions are just right each day. Thank you. Miracles every day when we are open, present & in Grace. Joy & Peace Vicki Luke 6:36-38

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