Recognize Your Gift and Know Your Goal – February 24, 2020


Recognize Your Gift and Know Your Goal

Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. 1 Samuel 12:21

In order to succeed in what God has called you to do in life, you must recognize your gift and know your goal. When you’re clear about and committed to these two things, you need to demonstrate two qualities: discipline and determination. Fritz Kreisler, one of the greatest violinists of all time, had them. Crowds packed Carnegie Hall in New York to hear him. But the road to success was a bumpy ride. As a boy he wanted to do nothing more than play the violin, so his parents paid for him to have music lessons. But he didn’t make as much progress as they hoped, and after a few years he quit the lessons. Over the next several years, through college and early adulthood, he studied medicine but failed to complete medical school. He joined the army and failed to be promoted. He tried and quit many other pursuits. Realizing that the one piece of success he had enjoyed in life related to the violin, he went back to his instructor and said, ‘I want to play.’ She said, ‘Fine, I’ll take you back as a student, but only if you acquire the irreplaceable quality that is necessary for you to become a great violinist. You must exhibit undefeatable determination.’ So once again, here are your steps to success: 1) Trust God to bless your efforts.2) Recognize your gift. 3) Know your goal. 4) Dedicate yourself to the process no matter how long it takes.

Heavenly Father, You are the giver of all good gifts and talents and have a purpose for me. Help me pursue Your goal, to Your Glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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